Death awaits us all eventually, but many Marylanders put off creating a will, either out of fear of mortality or misguided ideas that they don’t have enough assets to warrant one. This avoidance often stems from not fully grasping the chaos of dying without a will, known as “dying intestate,” which unleashes on loved ones left behind. From family infighting to children being placed with strangers, the consequences can be emotionally and financially devastating. This guide reveals the importance of drafting a will and the stark realities your heirs could face without your final wishes legally documented.

Legal Quagmires: Courts Take Over Asset Distribution
Without a will dictating your intentions, Maryland intestacy laws dictate who inherits your assets. These rigid statutes often distribute property in ways you would never choose. Jointly owned homes, bank accounts, and investments typically transfer to the surviving owner. However, all other assets are divided among relatives based on precise percentages and order of priority.
Spouses do receive a portion, but children also acquire shares which you may not intend. This forced division sparks countless family conflicts. Minor children may get funds they can’t manage until adulthood. Absent a will, the court selects an administrator to control your estate, regardless of their capabilities or your preference.
Family Discord: Guessing Your Wishes and Disputes
For your loved ones, dying without any instructions forces difficult guesswork about how to honor your legacy. Emotions run high as they try to interpret your desires without guidance. Even the closest families descend into conflict as each person projects their own wishes rather than accepting your unwritten plans.
Fighting erupts over possessions with sentimental value as siblings or children stake claims over items they feel meant most to you or them. Accusations of unfairness or exerting control often follow. Grief becomes entangled with anger and resentment as disputes fester. Things you hoped would comfort your family instead of tearing them apart.
Financial Costs: Lengthy Probate and Unplanned Taxes
Settling an intestate estate is far more complicated, dragging out the probate process significantly. With no directions to guide property transfers, endless red tape must be navigated at each step. The court may even need to appoint a guardian for minor children, adding delays and costs.
Also, absent proper estate planning, your heirs could pay considerably more in capital gains, inheritance, and estate taxes. Tactics like trusts and gifting reduce taxes owed but require planning. Without guidance, your family pays Uncle Sam far more than necessary, needlessly shrinking inheritances.
Emotional Impacts: Heightened Distress for Family and Kids
For most mourning families, having a deceased’s intentions clearly expressed brings comfort amid grief. But the vagueness and disputes stemming from a lack of will inflame emotional distress to catastrophic levels. Relationships fractured may never mend even after estates settle.
For minor children, having the court decide their new guardian is devastating. Fear and uncertainty grip kids already reeling from loss. Being uprooted into a strange home instead of one you selected multiplies anxiety exponentially during an already traumatic transition.
Avoiding Intestacy’s Agony with Proper Planning
Whether from procrastination or fear, avoiding creating a will has far-reaching effects on the heirs you leave behind. Emotional chaos, legal struggles, financial burdens, and relationship rifts manifest when you die intestate. Yet with proper estate planning guidance, crafting a will and testament need not be a mystery or emotionally taxing. Consult attorneys and seize control over your legacy. Give your family the gift of clarity and direction – your final act of love.